Weighing is fundamental to almost every business. When checking goods in, monitoring processes or quantifying products for sale, weight measurement is a vital tool in controlling costs, maintaining quality and assessing efficiency.
Hard wearing steel floor scale suited for everyday weighing in industrial settings.
Designed to withstand the rigours of everyday wear and tear when loading and unloading with fork trucks, pallet trucks, and wheeled bins.
Intrinsically safe low-profile scale for weighing in hazardous environments.
Suited for everyday weighing in industrial or airport settings.
The H520 heavy duty steel floor scale is designed for constant use in tough industrial environments. This platform scale features patented Weigh Bar technology.
Intrinsically safe platform scale for weighing in hazardous environments.
Suitable for heavy washdown or other harsh industrial environments.
I-LINE2 is browser based train weight management software designed to display or print train weight data as it is captured.
Fully welded stainless steel sheer beam load cell, with a stainless steel cast mount and load cell fixing bolts.
Suitable for silo, tank and vessel weighing
The MaxDec heavy duty floor scale is designed for high traffic and high capacity weighing up to 100,000 lbs.
Compression load cell designed for the support of tanks, silos and hoppers
Ideal for high accuracy, trade approved process weighing applications in the harshest of environments
Cost effective bolt-on transducer train weighing system, for fast installation. No need to cut or weld rails.
Designed for weighbridge & hopper weighing
Designed for weighbridge & hopper weighing
Ideal for harsh industrial environments
Legal for trade weighing solution
High accuracy weighing for areas with significant movement.
The TSR4000 rail weighing indicator has been specifically designed for dynamic train weighing. It can capture a weight in motion in excess of 50mph.
For large tank and vessel weighing.
The Weighline rail scale is designed to provide rail car weights quickly, safely and affordably.
Ideal for a wide range of general purpose floor or bench base type applications.
Can be supplied as a trade approved bench scale system at 3,000 divisions as well as 6,000 divisions for applications where trade approval is not required.