Says Rennie Spence, business development manager for Highland Recycling: “Our business takes all of the hassle and most of the cost out of waste aggregate disposal for companies. We collect waste material from a variety of sources and then rework it before selling the recycled material for £10 to £11 per tonne.”
“To make the business work we must collect accurate data about the weight of the waste aggregate, what it is, who the customer is and then finally the weight of the recycled material produced. We also need to provide accurate quarterly returns to the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA).“
The company approached Avery Weigh-Tronix to design and install a weighbridge system. The resulting 15m x 3m Bridgemont weighbridge weighs the material coming into and leaving the site on wagons and stores the information on the software. Highland Recycling can then print an invoice with the weighbridge ticket or, for contract customers, they can store the information and then invoice them at the end of the month.
Continues Spence: “The weighbridge system really is at the heart of our business. It allows us to not only collect data but also to analyse our efficiency. As a critical part of the business, the weighbridge must remain operational so that the site can continue to generate revenue. For this reason we have also signed a service contract with Avery Weigh-Tronix.”
This maintenance and service contract covers all parts and labour for normal wear and tear, unlimited callouts with an eight-hour response time, technical advice and software support.
Says Paul McIntyre, operations buyer for Highland Quality Construction, parent company of Highland Recycling: “We were looking at ways to minimise the amount of aggregates that were being dumped in landfills across Northern Scotland. We made a decision to recycle as much of these products as possible.
“Not only does this help demonstrate our environmental credentials as a supplier, but with the collection and reporting of accurate weight data, we have now established a successful and profitable recycling business in its own right.”
Recycled aggregate is in high demand, with the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) forecasting that it will fulfil 20% of the total aggregates market in Scotland by 2012.
• Provides accurate weight data for cost control and invoicing
• Flexible reporting for customers and SEPA
• Print invoices off on site
• Weighbar technology – ten times more reliable than load cells